Friday, April 29, 2016

Beautiful Little Fool

Daisy IS a beautiful little fool.

The Great Gatsby is by far in my top ten favorite books. I remember reading it for the first time in High School and thinking this book is magnificent. Not only did I enjoy the characters, but it took me to another time.  I enjoy reading books about the 1920s because it was a time full of excitement and downfalls.

The thing about this book is that it has so many meanings and hidden messages. I know every time I read this book, I find something new or a hidden message. My favorite quote from the book is when Daisy talks about her daughter. Daisy says:

"It'll show you how I've gotten to feel about – things. Well, she was less than an hour old and Tom was God knows where. I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling, and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl. She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. 'All right,' I said, 'I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool – that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.' "(1.118)

So, why is this my favorite? Because it is horribly true. In this generation of the 1920s, women's roles in society was small. They cooked, cleaned, raised the children, had no jobs, were beaten by their husbands, and frowned upon by what they wore. Women were purely there to be a housewife. Women were frowned upon. They were judged by what they wore and looked like. Women had to dress up and be on their best behavior during all times of the day. Life as a woman was extremely difficult. Some had it easy and others like Myrtle did not.

Daisy is a beautiful little fool. Is she intelligent? I would say she is semi-smart. She mostly appears to be the fool she claims to be. She grew up where if you were pretty, you would find a rich husband. However, love did not always make it into the marriage. Daisy loves the rich lifestyle. She thinks that is the only way to live. 

She hopes her daughter to be a beautiful little fool just like her. I think Daisy is smart, but she ignores the simplicity of things. I think she would rather act like a fool and be beautiful rather than be book smart. Life back then was different. 

I am certainly glad I did not have to be a beautiful little fool. Back then, sure, Now? I work on cars and get dirty. I dress up for dates. But, on most days, I stay in home in my Doctor Who pajamas writing blog posts for my yoga website.

You do not have to be a beautiful little fool in this generation, but Daisy did. For that, I say she is strong too.

In some point of our lives, we have acted like a beautiful little fool to get our way. 
Are you a beautiful little fool in disguise?  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I'm Nobody, but now am Somebody.

 I'm Nobody, but now am Somebody.
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you - Nobody - too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise - you know!

How dreary - to be - Somebody!
How public - like a Frog -
To tell one's name - the livelong June - 
To an admiring Bog! 

 Emily Dickinson and her literature work is incredibly inspiring to me. All through high school, I loved to read about her work and herself. She created literature where you looked at situations or people in a different perspective. First of all, she lived from 1830-1886 and still to this day people read her poems. I remember my high school English teacher absolutely loved her! She is recognized as one the greatest American poets and I really enjoy reading her poems. We have not gotten to her poems yet in the class, but I am really excited when or if we do!

This particular poem stood out to me when I was still in high school. I really liked it then because I felt like a "nobody" full of people who were "somebody's." Now, I knew someday I would be somebody.  I looked at this poem again for the first time since I first read it. I did not feel the same way as I did when I read it in high school. It's crazy to think a person can change, but I am happy this did. A year ago, I was a complete different person and not in a good way. I definitely felt like a nobody like in the poem above. But, as I keep reading, the poem never really states that this "nobody" should be a "somebody." Or in fact this person can be a nobody with another person. Still, I like it. Reading it now, I realize I am somebody. I inspire so many people on my Instagram account that is primarily for my yoga journey. I have 7300 followers and a lot of them I have made friends with. 

I also realized that poetry is something I can relate too. As I keep reading for this class, I realize things are more than what they appear. Like in the poem above, a nobody can turn into an admiring somebody. Now, to me this poem means something probably entirely different than what Emily first wrote to be.

This is my first blog post ever. But, it was really fun to write. I will attach a picture from my Instagram and my most liked picture of 2015. I am so happy to be able to share and inspire my journey with many people! 

Because now in my life, I am finally somebody.